For additional information about installing add-ons at the domain level, see the Google G-Suite Help Center. (It can take up to 24 hours before domain-level installation is complete.) Get the Add-on and Install It NOTE: If you are a G Suite administrator, you can install the Smartsheet for Gmail Add-on for your entire domain.
If you use the Gmail App for Android phones, the add-on will also be available for you there once you've installed and connected it using these steps. Once the add-on has been installed, you’ll need to connect your Gmail account with your Smartsheet account. To use the add-on, first you'll install it from the Smartsheet page in the GSuite Marketplace. Install the Add-on and Connect Gmail to Smartsheet The Smartsheet for Gmail add-on works with Gmail and the Gmail App for Android phones. Once the information is captured in Smartsheet, all Smartsheet collaborators will be able to see and act on the information.
With the Smartsheet for Gmail add-on, you can quickly copy what’s in an email message-any text and attachments-and add that information to rows in your sheets without having to leave Gmail.